Monday, September 29, 2014

Tangent for Height When You're Dealing with a Right!

Students will be finding the height of their rocket through Trigonometry. Using a right triangle we can measure the distance from the launch pad and utilize a clinometer and a calculator
to find the height as students must also provide video evidence of Newton's Third Law.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


We've started motion towards the design and completion of bottle rockets in the study of Newton's laws. Students will use a Nasa simulator to investigate different masses and pressures along with fin and nosecone designs.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mass and Volume

This week we continue to discover the differences between 'volume' and 'mass' through labs in the classroom. Students will be measuring using triple-beam balances, graduated cylinders, metric rulers and computers. The interesting data that we gather will lead us to density. We'll also work with new spreadsheet style tables to develop programmed computation.

Monday, September 8, 2014

51 Word Wednesday

With the new schedule  and "Late Arrival Wednesdays' (LAW),   v-sci will incorporate an automatic Extension called "51 Word Wednesday". Students will research a new topic in science and present an explanation of what's new in a 51 word essay due on each Wednesday you happen to have Science class. Consider the extra time you have for the assignment!